Lost in time
Have you ever felt as if you are swimming unconsciously in an active sea where you can feel something happening around you but you feel detached from it as if in state of coma ? ... I know it sounds awkward but I am sure there are many like me who must have felt something similar at one point of time or other. It may be some kind of delusion or psychological effect that one gradually slides into passiveness. You feel as if you are a pupa who has lost the will of coming out of cocoon. These moments might be quite troubling. You may want to overcome lethargy, but the comfort of inactivity pulls you back. You simply don't know what to do about this situation. Even your mind fails to answer your questions. On a deeper note, perhaps one has slid into aimlessness. It may be momentarily. You may have certain targets to achieve but you know there is no urgency. And when this thought starts taking control over your mind and thought process, you fall into a state of hibernation. While animal...